Sustrans Cymru
Working with communities and partners, we are making Wales a healthy, happy place to live, work and play for future generations.
Sustrans in Wales
Approx. 1,600 miles
of National Cycle Network cared for by us
£75 million per year
of Network-generated investment in the Welsh economy

Sustrans Cymru’s 2022 Local Election Asks
We're calling on candidates in the upcoming Welsh local elections to incorporate these asks and build a better future for Wales.
These asks will help to ensure a sustainable recovery from Covid-19.

Sustrans Cymru’s 2021 Manifesto: Tomorrow’s Wales for everyone
Wales faces some profound challenges.
From climate change and air pollution to physical and mental health crises, the pressures on communities across our nation is growing.
There is no silver bullet for these challenges.
Latest news in Wales

The National Cycle Network in Wales
The National Cycle Network is a series of traffic-free paths and quiet on-road cycling and walking routes, offering opportunities for everyday travel, discovery and play.
- Explore our walking and cycling routes in Wales or plan your next adventure.
- Download free Network leaflets and maps.
- Follow Sustrans Cymru on Facebook and Twitter for inspiration for your next trip and everyday commuting tips.

Linking up
The National Cycle Network in Wales offers many opportunities for travel, discovery and play.
Improving connections between rural communities and the National Cycle Network is vital to local economic development, health and wellbeing.
The Linking Up project aims to improve the links between the existing National Cycle Network and 8 rural communities across Wales. These new links will provide opportunities for local people to access jobs, services and tourist destinations using active transport.
Read more on how we're Linking Up Wales

Our work with schools
We work with schools throughout Wales, enabling more children to travel to school by bike, scooter and on foot.
Active journeys programme: Creating a culture that makes it easier for children to walk, scoot or cycle. You can also sign up to our Active journeys newsletter.
The Active Travel School Award: Accreditation that guides schools through the key steps for increasing and sustaining the number of pupils travelling to school actively.
The Big Shift Cymru: Free online challenge for schools, designed to motivate the school community in Wales to travel more actively.

Resources for teachers in Wales
Browse our free resources and guides for teachers in Wales to support and enable active travel to and from school.
Download our new Welsh curriculum resource in English
Join our volunteers in Wales
We’re lucky to have 350 people volunteering with us across Wales, supporting our work, looking after the Network and raising awareness of the brilliant routes that we have here.
Volunteer with SustransDelivering the Active Travel Act in Wales
We can work with you to help deliver the statutory duties that are required of local authorities under the Active Travel (Wales) Act.
- Auditing routes and preparation of route condition statements.
- Community consultation on active travel maps and statements.
- Design of user-friendly maps and guides.
- Feasibility studies and concept designs for new routes and networks.
- Help achieve effective schemes through high-quality design.
We have experience of delivering, promoting and monitoring effective interventions to encourage active travel and empower individuals and communities to create better places and spaces to move through and live in, increasing levels of low carbon travel for local journeys.
To work with us in Wales, please contact our Cardiff hub at