Frequently asked questions

Find answers to our frequently asked questions (FAQs) about Sustrans.

About us

Frequently asked questions about Sustrans and how we work.

FAQs - About us


Frequently asked questions about and for Sustrans supporters.

FAQs - Supporters

Navigating the Network

Frequently asked questions about navigating the National Cycle Network.

FAQs - Navigating the Network

Managing the Network

Frequently asked questions about how Sustrans manages the National Cycle Network.

FAQs - Managing the Network

Sharing the Network

Frequently asked questions about sharing the National Cycle Network with other users.

FAQs - Sharing the Network

Paths for Everyone

Frequently asked questions about the Paths for Everyone project.

FAQs - Paths for Everyone

Customer Services

Frequently asked questions about shop orders and customer services.

FAQs - Customer Services


Frequently asked questions about fundraising and donating to Sustrans.

FAQs - Fundraising


Frequently asked questions about volunteering with Sustrans.

FAQs - Volunteering

Corporate Partnerships

Frequently asked questions about Corporate Partnerships.

FAQs - Corporate Partnerships

If you haven't been able to find an answer to your question, please contact us at - we'd love to hear from you.