FAQs - Supporters

Frequently asked questions about and for Sustrans supporters.

Contact the Supporter Care Team

Please contact our friendly Supporter Care Team using the following details:

Email: supporters@sustrans.org.uk
Telephone: 0300 303 2604
Post: 2 Cathedral Square, College Green, Bristol, BS1 5DD

How can I donate?

There are many ways you can donate to Sustrans. If you're lucky enough, you might meet one of our Face-to-Face Fundraisers out on the network. However, you can also donate online, by either making a one-off donation or by setting up a monthly direct debit.

For more information on how you can donate to us, please visit the Fundraising section of our FAQs page.

How do I make changes to my regular gift?

Contact our friendly Supporter Care team. Please confirm your supporter ID and/or postcode so they can find your record on our database.

How do I update my bank account details?

Contact our friendly Supporter Care team. Please confirm your supporter ID and/or postcode so they can find your record on our database. In order to make this change, they will need confirmation of your new account number, sort code, name of account holder and name of bank.

How do I make changes to my personal details?

Contact our friendly Supporter Care team. Please confirm your supporter ID and/or postcode so they can find your record on our database.

How do I make changes to my communication preferences?

Contact our friendly Supporter Care team. Please confirm your supporter ID and/or postcode so they can find your record on our database.

How do I make a Gift Aid declaration?

You can fill out our online Gift Aid form.

Or you can email us the following Gift Aid declaration:

"I want to Gift Aid my donation of [amount] and any donations I make in the future or have made in the past 4 years to [charity name]. I confirm I am a UK taxpayer and understand that if I pay less Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all my donations in that tax year, it is my responsibility to pay any difference."

How can I withdraw a Gift Aid Declaration from my donations?

Contact our friendly Supporter Care team.

Please confirm your supporter ID and/or postcode so they can find your record on our database.

Please include the following statement in your enquiry:

"I wish to cancel my Gift Aid declaration made to [charity name], effective from [date of withdrawal request]".

Do you have a newsletter?

As a supporter, you will receive a bi-annual newsletter from us in the post. This is called the Hub.

We also have a monthly e-newsletter that you can sign up to receive here.

How can I unsubscribe from your monthly e-newsletter?

If you would like to unsubscribe from our e-newsletter, you can do so by scrolling to the bottom of the e-newsletter and clicking on the Unsubscribe button. This can be found in the bottom section with the green background.

My circumstances have changed, do you have alternative gift options so I can continue supporting Sustrans?

Yes, we can offer both a reduced monthly gift to suit your current circumstances, or a donation holiday where we can pause donations for up to six months. Contact our friendly Supporter Care Team if either of these options is something you'd like to discuss.

How do my donations get used?

Your donations are incredibly important to our work. Unless otherwise stated as part of the relevant campaign, all our donations are treated as unrestricted funds and get used wherever the need is greatest within our charitable objectives.

Can I get a refund on my donation?

Under our Refund Policy donations can not be refunded, unless in exceptional circumstances. If you need to query a donation, please contact our friendly Supporter Care Team to discuss.