2021 English regional elections: North of England candidates' commitments

We contacted the regional mayor election candidates in the North of England and asked them a series of questions about their commitment to active travel.


The questions we asked are:

1. How would you commit to bold investment and prioritisation of active travel in funding strategies if you were to become Mayor?

2. In response to the pandemic, with more people working from home, what role is there for 20-minute neighbourhoods in your policies?

3. How would you ensure that planned schemes for walking and cycling are delivered in areas of need and where the social impact could be high?

4. What brave and bold steps in response to the climate emergency would you take to achieve local transformative change?


Here's what they said.


Greater Manchester

Liverpool City

Joanne Anderson, Labour candidate

How would you commit to bold investment and prioritisation of active travel in funding strategies if you were to become Mayor?

"I have committed to investing in our active travel infrastructure and want all areas across the city to have the option of leaving their cars at home and choosing active travel."

In response to the pandemic, with more people working from home, what role is there for 20-minute neighbourhoods in your policies?

"Whilst this is not mentioned in my manifesto, I have been discussing this policy, only I have actually committed to look at 15-minute neighbourhoods!

"There's nothing wrong with a little ambition."

How would you ensure that planned schemes for walking and cycling are delivered in areas of need and where the social impact could be high?

"My manifesto is underpinned by a Triple-Lock which is part of all decision making in the Council. The three areas which must be considered with every decision are:

1) Social Value

2) Environment

3) Equality and inclusion

"Equality, diversity and inclusion is what I do for a living, changing cultures within large organisations and providing quality training to help address issues.

"Please be assured that any policy to expand and diversify active travel and public transport will absolutely meet the needs of all our citizens."

What brave and bold steps in response to the climate emergency would you take to achieve local transformative change?

"Whilst public transport is not within the remit of City Mayor (Merseytravel falls within the remit of Metro Mayor), I have pledged to develop green corridors in our city, working in collaboration with the Metro Mayor to ensure all our public transport does become carbon neutral and that it is just as quick and easy to use than driving your own vehicle.

"On jobs, we have a massive skills gap in the creative and green sectors which we must address.

"I will work with these industries to ensure our citizens are engaged and able to access jobs of the future."

West Yorkshire

Tees Valley