Will you help protect our precious wildlife?

Animals like the hazel dormouse need your help right now. Their homes are being destroyed, they are struggling to find food and shelter.

By restoring and maintaining the hedgerows on the National Cycle Network, you can help support and protect these vulnerable species. 

Will you donate now to help save our precious wildlife?

You can help to create, restore and maintain hedgerows across the National Cycle Network to provide a home for the hazel dormouse.

Let’s make sure these adorable creatures have food and somewhere safe to rest.

Yes, I'll protect wildlife

  • £10 could care for a section of hedgerow, providing a safe haven and source of food for hazel dormice.
  • £20 could buy the tools required by our volunteers to properly maintain and restore hedgerows.
  • £40 could help pay for the specialist knowledge from ecologists to ensure the longevity of our work.

Sustrans has a responsibility to care for the natural environment that surrounds the National Cycle Network.

By supporting a wide range of species, Sustrans can help to improve biodiversity across the UK.

Read more about how Sustrans is supporting nature.

Your support will help to care for nature and all the wonderful creatures that call the National Cycle Network home. 

All donations generously given to Sustrans in response to this advert will be treated as unrestricted funds and will therefore be directed wherever the need is greatest within our charitable objectives.

Protect our precious wildlife