Published: 5th APRIL 2022

Sustrans supports Welsh Government bus service reforms

Sustrans welcomes the Welsh Government’s vision for a reform of the way that bus services are delivered across all of Wales.

Public transport bus driving through Cardiff city centre

Bus services across Wales are set to be changed following the announcement. ©photojB

Significant changes to essential services

Sustrans shares the Welsh Government’s ambition for an integrated public transport service which provides an attractive, affordable alternative to private car transport and offers vital connectivity to the quarter of the people in Wales who do not have access to a car.

In recent years bus services have struggled, with passenger numbers declining and the number of bus vehicles falling by 17.8% since 2010.

Indeed, total distance travelled by buses in Wales is 28.2% lower today than in 2009-10.

We also know that passenger numbers continue to be hampered by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Sustrans encourages the public to engage with this process of reform and provide their views to the Welsh Government.


A fully integrated network

Reacting to the plans, Sustrans Cymru Director Christine Boston said:

“Sustrans believes in a fully integrated network that recognises the importance of sustainable journeys which includes the first and last mile.

"Public transport is an essential part of a 20-minute neighbourhood, supporting people to make longer journeys in a sustainable way and connecting them to the services and facilities they need to live happy, healthy lives. 

"We also know that the delivery of reliable, affordable and integrated bus services has an important role to play in breaking our reliance on private cars.

"Without meaningful action, Wales will fail in its efforts to drastically reduce carbon emissions from the transport sector.

"We hope that the plans for ‘one network, one timetable and one ticket’ will enable the provision of transport services that bring people back on board for the long term.”


Read more about the reforms and provide your view in the Welsh Government's public consultation.

Find out more about our work in Wales.

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