Published: 27th JANUARY 2022

By Ours: A community project to redesign streets in the Liverpool City Region

Residents in three areas of the Liverpool City Region will help to design safer, healthier and more attractive streets, as part of the By Ours project. Our new community based project with Liverpool City Council, St Helens Borough Council and Wirral Council.

A resident holding a clip board gives views to a Sustrans team member on street design during a community engagement event.

Credit: Jon Bewley/Sustrans

By Ours is a new community based project in three areas of the Liverpool City Region.

It's set to make streets safer, healthier and more attractive.

Households in the Lodge Lane area of Toxteth, Liverpool and the Cowley Hill neighbourhood of St Helens have received surveys through their doors to gather views about what they like and dislike about their neighbourhood.

Residents in the Bebington area of Wirral will also be surveyed when By Ours begins there later in 2022.

Questions to residents cover topics including safety, accessibility, traffic levels and green spaces.

The survey is also available online and marks the start of a three stage design process for people to get involved and create streets that work for the whole community.

Everyone in these areas is invited to contribute.

There will be a series of drop-in events where people can contribute their ideas and find out more.


Working together to improve local streets

By Ours works with residents, businesses and schools to improve local streets.

The whole community comes together to design a vibrant neighbourhood where more people walk to local shops and services and stop and chat to one another, children play out and everyone breathes cleaner air.

There are three stages to this collaborative design process:

  • Spring 2022: When views and ideas are gathered by a survey.
  • Summer 2022: When Sustrans’ designers shape the community’s ideas into designs for local people to comment on and improve.
  • Autumn 2022: When final designs are showcased at a street event.


Local people shaping the future of their streets

Project Officer at Sustrans, Paul Riley said:

“This is a fantastic chance for local people to get involved and shape the way their neighbourhood looks and feels in the future.

“We aim to work with all sections of the community to ensure that our streets are working for everyone.

“Everyone’s views are important and help us to understand what local people need to make their streets feel safer, healthier and more attractive.

“There will be lots of opportunities to meet our friendly team in person and contribute ideas in workshops and discussions.”


Real change comes from the grassroots up

Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Environment at Liverpool City Council, Councillor Dan Barrington said:

“We’re delighted to be supporting Sustrans in this community led design of a vibrant neighbourhood, which places clean air at its heart.

“As we all know, real change in any neighbourhood comes from the grassroots up and I applaud the approach Sustrans is taking with this community.

“The city council is looking at how it can help improve air quality right across the city and I’m keen to see how this project develops to see what lessons we can learn for the whole of Liverpool to benefit from.”

We’re delighted to be supporting Sustrans in this community led design of a vibrant neighbourhood, which places clean air at its heart.
Councillor Dan Barrington, Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Environment at Liverpool City Council

St Helens Borough Council’s Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport, Councillor Andy Bowden said:

“As a council we’re making a conscious effort to put people and sustainability at the heart of everything we do.

“It's part of our key priorities to create safe and strong communities, as well as green and vibrant places.

“So it’s good to team up with Sustrans on this exciting new project as they have a good track record of delivering successful initiatives around safer walking and cycling.

“Like any proposed scheme, it is important that the public are central to that process, which is why we welcome any constructive feedback to help strengthen plans and make them the best they can be for all concerned.” 


About By Ours

By Ours is a partnership project with Sustrans, Liverpool City Council, St Helens Borough Council, Wirral Council and Liverpool City Region.

It is funded by the Freshfield Foundation.


Learn more about the By Ours community projects in Lodge Lane and Cowley Hill.


Read about how Sustrans does community-led street design.

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