The Raigmore Active Travel Link in Inverness has now been constructed. This brand new link forms a major part of the wider Inverness City Active Travel Network.

View of the newly completed Raigmore Active Travel Link. Credit: The Highland Council
A new walking, wheeling and cycling link funded by Places for Everyone has been officially opened in Inverness.
The Raigmore Active Travel Link will allow safe, traffic-free access to the Raigmore Estate, Inverness Campus, and Inverness Shopping Park.
The route also joins up with other active travel links in the area to provide connections to Raigmore Hospital, local employers, shops and local communities.

The Raigmore Active Travel Link will connect key places, such as shops, houses and a local hospital. Credit: The Highland Council
Designed for everyone
The Raigmore Active Travel Link is the first major phase of the landmark £10.6m Inverness City Active Travel Link to be completed.
The next phase of the project involve working with Transport Scotland and Sustrans at Raigmore Interchange.
Work is also beginning to look at the potential for active and bus infrastructure to link the Interchange to the city centre along Millburn Road
Consultation and engagement on these future phases will take place during 2022.
Pupils from Raigmore Primary School joined staff from the highland Council to learn about the Raigmore Active Travel Link, a newly opened active travel route in Inverness. Credit: The Highland Council
Opening the link
The Raigmore Active Travel Link was opened by Elected Members, Raigmore Community Council, and the Primary 5 pupils from Raigmore Primary School.
Bet McAllister, Depute Provost of Inverness said:
"This is the first large active travel investment in Inverness which Highland Council have delivered in partnership with our project partners and funders Sustrans, through their Places for Everyone fund.
"We celebrate the opening of this link today, but we are looking forward to the significant future investment which is planned as part of the Active Travel Network over the coming years."
A more attractive route
The Raigmore Active Travel Link has been funded through Sustrans’ Places for Everyone programme.
This is part of the Inverness City Active Travel Network, a £10.6m active travel project investing in key walking, wheeling and cycling routes throughout the city.
Maelle Ducreux, Infrastructure Coordinator for Sustrans, said:
"The development has provided the opportunity to reinstate native tree species along the embankment which not only make the route more attractive but will provide valuable shielding from the trunk road.
"The new Raigmore Active Travel Link will have an immediate positive impact on people walking, wheeling, and cycling between the Campus, Raigmore Estate and Inverness City Centre.
"These benefits will be felt further when improvements planned for Raigmore Interchange and Millburn Corridor are implemented."
An exemplar project
Munro Ross, Chair of Raigmore Community Council, said:
"This has been an exemplar project in terms of community engagement and professional work taking place in our community.
"We look forward to engaging with future projects in the local area, the bar has now been set in terms of engagement and expectations."