The City of Edinburgh Council has approved a detailed plan to create safe spaces for people to walk, cycle and wheel in Scotland’s capital during the coronavirus outbreak, and for when the city emerges from the crisis. Sustrans Deputy CEO and National Director of Scotland, Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, John Lauder, responds to the announcement.
“It is clear that the way we travel, work, spend time with each other and enjoy our urban spaces have been changed by the pandemic.
"It is increasingly clear that there is no ‘old normal’ to go back to.
"Sustrans therefore welcomes Edinburgh’s leadership in envisioning how Scotland’s capital can have the resilience to deal with the twin challenges of ensuring people have safe space to physical distance and a more sustainable and less polluting way to get around the city.
"We warmly welcome the measures to create safe spaces for walking and cycling approved today and we look forward to more changes in the future."
Connecting better public spaces with economic recovery
"We strongly welcome the emphasis on public safety, the connection between better public spaces and economic recovery, and the recognition that making space for walking, cycling and wheeling is central to getting the city reconnected and back on its feet.
"Delivering temporary measures based on existing plans to change Edinburgh’s streetscape is a sensible and pragmatic approach.
"This will enable works to be delivered with the urgency demanded by the circumstances, and will address areas of the city that, even prior to Covid-19, required much more space for pavement users."