Published: 3rd SEPTEMBER 2020

Two Dorset schools make more space for social distancing during school run

Two Dorset schools have made more space outside their gates at pick up and drop off times, as pupils return to school.

Children enjoying the space created by removing cars from the road

Removing through-traffic from outside the school gates can make lots more space for social distancing.

The School Streets schemes restrict motor traffic to make more space for social distancing.

Working in partnership

We're working with Dorset Council to deliver the schemes at  Upton Junior School and Manor Park First School.

They are funded through a grant from the Department for Transport’s Emergency Active Travel Fund.

Giving families the space they need

James Cleeton, director for the south of England, said:

“We’re really pleased to see Dorset Council and these schools put School Streets in place.

“These schemes will help to give families the space they need to get to school safely.

"A road free from vehicles can typically gain an extra seven-metre wide space for pedestrians. This makes maintaining physical distancing at busy school run times much easier.

“Previous School Streets schemes have proved beneficial for road safety and air quality. And they create a cleaner, more pleasant environment outside the school.

"School Streets increase the likelihood that children will walk or cycle to school instead of arriving in a car. Children then experience the benefits of active travel on their health and wellbeing.”

Promoting greener forms of transport

Cllr Ray Bryan, Dorset Council’s Portfolio Holder for Highways, Travel and Environment said:

“The safety and wellbeing of school children and parents across Dorset will always be a key priority for the Council. So this is a win/win for everybody involved.

“As we face a climate and ecological emergency and students return to school from lockdown, we need to do all we can to promote greener forms of transport – especially walking and cycling - to improve our environment and public health."

“We’re proud to work with Sustrans to deliver such a progressive scheme and I look forward to seeing the results.”
Cllr Ray Bryan, Dorset Council’s Portfolio Holder for Highways, Travel and Environment
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