We’re growing our team across Wales in a bid to get more people walking and cycling. Our transformational work in communities creates happier lives and healthier places for everyone. For us, this transformation starts from inside Sustrans. Find out how from our new recruits.

Our new employees tell us what new perspectives and skills they're bringing to the team at Sustrans.
We support communities to develop amazing public spaces where people can connect to the things they need and each other.
But this work can only be done with the understanding and range of perspectives that we have here at Sustrans.
Meet some of the newest members of our team and find out what they’re bringing to Sustrans.
Alice Bailey, Support Officer
Alice Bailey has worked in the charity sector supporting organisations and individuals who work with children, young people and their families in Wales.
As a volunteer, she has worked extensively with both disabled and non-disabled children and young people, and has organised and delivered large events.
She is looking forward to bringing her experiences to Sustrans as she believes that Sustrans is committed to being part of the wider and diverse community.

Daniel Ebrahim, Technical Support Officer
Daniel Ebrahim has a degree in Architecture and was working with Oasis in Splott when he met someone who suggested that we would have roles to suit his skills.
Dani applied for a role with Sustrans Cymru and now works in the Connected Communities team, supporting route audits and network mapping activities.

Tara Aisha, Technical Project Officer
Tara has worked in public transport and area planning, active travel network mapping and higher education institutions in Indonesia, Australia, Scotland, England and Wales.
She’s worked with local communities to research and deliver on collaborative and participatory design processes.
She aims to incorporate her professional and academic competence to tackle issues related to equality, diversity and inclusion in the built environment, particularly amongst minority and vulnerable groups.
She believes that Sustrans Cymru has helped her and everyone speak their ideas into existence through different areas of expertise.

Ruth Stafford, Liveable Cities and Towns Officer
Ruth Stafford has worked in sustainable transport for community organisations and three local authorities.
She has also worked for charities, businesses and social enterprises in local food production, management and waste awareness.
Ruth has lived in many different places and is now settled on the edge of Newtown, near the village she grew up in.
She feels very strongly about health, education, environment and equality, and thinks that Sustrans cares about and is working to improve these things.

Become part of an innovative, dynamic team
Christine Boston, Sustrans Cymru Director, said:
"We want more liveable places, made for everyone and enjoyed by everyone.
"It is fantastic to be able to grow the team in Wales.
"There is a big challenge ahead to respond to the threat of climate change and inspire more people to travel differently.
"We are very pleased to be able to bring in a range of new skills and perspectives, increasing our presence in communities and extending the support we can offer to those who need it most.
"There will continue to be opportunities to join our team and I would encourage anyone who is interested in our work, and would like to be part of an innovative and dynamic team, to get in touch and find out more.”
Extending our network of partners
As well as growing our team in Wales, we are also expanding the organisations we work with.
This will help us to challenge ourselves to improve the way we work and make more inclusive, equitable places.
We are doing more to ensure our work improves and prioritises people from communities which are disadvantaged, marginalised or oppressed.