I Bike is an innovative school project promoting cycling, walking and scooting. By empowering children, parents and teachers to travel actively, safely and confidently to school, I Bike encourages exercise and reduces traffic congestion, resulting in safer, happier and healthier communities.

Funded by Transport Scotland and the local authority, I Bike engages with children and young people experiencing barriers to cycling participation.
There's a specific focus on addressing the drop in cycling from primary to secondary school, and the gender gap in rates of cycling between boys and girls.
I Bike activities
Established in 2009, I Bike has a team of 10 officers and around 95 volunteers across nine different local authority areas in Scotland.
Each work intensively with around eight selected primary and secondary schools per year to deliver:
- active travel breakfasts
- assemblies
- smoothie bike sessions
- route mapping sessions
- providing support to the school bike crew
- learn to cycle sessions
- bike skills sessions
- led rides
- led walks
- bike clubs
- bike maintenance sessions
- training teachers and providing support to the school bike crew.
Outcomes of the I Bike project
Our work complements initiatives such as Active Schools and the delivery of school travel plans.
We deliver health and transport outcomes by helping schools to improve physical activity levels and manage traffic issues around the school gates.
The Hands Up Scotland Survey data from 2016 also showed exciting results, revealing that in I Bike schools average levels of active travel are 10.6% points higher than in non-I Bike schools (57.2% and 46.6% respectively).

I Bike Volunteers
Volunteers are a vital part of the I Bike programme, helping to deliver the various activities and create a culture of walking, scooting and cycling in the schools. We hear from three I Bike volunteers about how they got involved, what they do and why they volunteer.
I Bike locations
We currently deliver I Bike in:
- Aberdeen City - @aberdeenibike
- Aberdeenshire - @ibikeshire
- Dumfries and Galloway - @ibikeDandG
- East Dunbartonshire
- Edinburgh - @ibikeEdinburgh
- Inverness - @ibikeness
- Perth and Kinross - @ibikeperth
- West Lothian - @ibikewlothian
- East Lothian - @ibikeelothian
Email ibike@sustrans.org.uk for more information on the project.