Cork Metropolitan Area Walking and Cycling Index
Formerly known as Bike Life, this is the UK and Ireland's biggest ever study of walking, wheeling and cycling.
The first Cork Metropolitan Area Walking and Cycling Index shows that over half of residents walk or wheel at least five days a week, with almost one in five cycling at least once a week.
Every year, walking and cycling in Cork Metropolitan Area results in:
serious long-term health conditions prevented
€401.6 million
in economic benefit for individuals and the region
18,000 tonnes
of greenhouse gas emissions saved
Up to 69,000
cars taken off the road every day

Paul Manning, Business owner
I own a cafe along the Dunkettle to Carrigtwohill Cycleway. There has been an unbelievable transformation on what was a pretty dangerous stretch of road.
It’s a fantastic amenity for locals, or people from other areas looking for a safe place to walk.
Previously we would have been nearly 100% reliant on car traffic. Since the path has been installed, we have seen a huge increase in foot traffic passing our door.
This includes walkers, buggies and cyclists. It is early days too, as it’s only been a few months since it fully opened, and a few weeks since the lighting has been put in place.
We have adjusted our business to complement the new amenity and customer demographic. Converting an old roadside diner into a modern coffee shop. It’s early days yet, but all signs so far are that it has been a huge success.

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See Cork Metropolitan Area's vision for walking, wheeling and cycling.
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